Koen de Vries
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Das Unbekannte / The unknown

  • 2003
  • Bronze

Directly beneath the surface lies fear, ready to go off. Flee, fight, or freeze is a chemical reaction in your body that instantly transforms you in another corner of your personality. There is so much more under the same surface, but only primatologists seem to have an eye for it. 

I make a lot of this visible and that’s the way you can study it. As art can serve science. I am about  the poetry, but it remains remarkable: if you show the vulnerable site of the human being, people turn away their eyes. On television and in books, theatre and the news, people can be viewed more safely, because it is from a distance.


25 x 34 x 18 (cm)

Oplage: 1/10
Photography by 

Rob Overmeer