Koen de Vries
Gevonden gezichten

Not everything can be put into words, because the world is usually too complex for the flatness of text. 

Nothing to add, words fail. Let me cry out for the missing words like I’m blind to what’s happening to me.

A sound fades away, a lamp goes out and your immediate past hangs like a shadow on the retina of the other spectator. This image shows the change into something new. The original imprint loses form and urgency, makes way for that what did stick around: the residue of your actions.

Surrendering to a kiss remains enchanting. Unraveling the transformation of the body. Carefully seeking, longing, the fortress of your body opens. Vulnerability, relaxation, no defense for a while. Tender hopes for a sweet touch. Maybe a moment, maybe an eternity, or both. A stretch to the timeless body.

“Love must be the master plan”.  A lyric  from a song by Prince that is like a basic rule for life to me. I made a imprint mold from an apple (fruit) to experiment with, not consciously looking for the story of the Fall of Adam& Eve. Eventually, this image emerged, a modern Eve perhaps, sinking her teeth into the apple on her one initiative. Or she just bites into a random fruit. To hell with patriarchy.